Saturday, October 30, 2010

Me at 25

Last Friday was my 25th birthday. I turned a quarter of a century old. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it is a landmark birthday that seems like it will take forever to get here, but now it's here and that's that.

Here's the thing though. When I was in 6th grade, our teacher had us do a project called Me at 25, where we had to make a scrapbook of our future lives up to age 25. I worked REALLY hard on that project and I still remember the vast majority of the details. I promise when I go back home in a few weeks, I will dig it out and we can contrast and compare, but for now, here is my memory only version of Me at 25.

Firstly, the rules of the project. Our teacher told us we HAD to be married and we HAD to have kids.

So I was.
To Matt Damon.
With 3 kids.

Let's compare this to my real life now shall we? I am not married to Matt Damon. I'm not married at all. I don't have kids. He's kept up his end of the deal, having 3 babies by the time I was 25, but they weren't with me.

I married Matt Damon because it was 1997 and Titanic had come out and to a 6th grade girl, Leo DiCaprio made for prime marriage material. So everyone in my class married Leo. I didn't want to marry Leo too, so I looked at other movies of the day and found myself drawn to the new comers from Boston. So Matt became the lucky guy that got to marry me by the time I was 25.

In my story of my life on my way to age 25, I lived quite an adventurous one. I was an actress, won an Emmy for some sitcom I was on, went to Boston University and got a Masters and found time to take up skiing at some point. I wasn't very good at it since that's how Matt and I met. I fell down a slope and he totally rescued me. Of course it was the usual love at first sight, blah blah blah, we got engaged a year after we met and married a year after that. I forget how old I was at this point, maybe 21? I remember thinking I didn't want to be married before I was 21 since I wanted to be able to drink at my wedding. HA! The things that were important to my 6th grade brain.

We got married on a yacht in England. Seriously. I don't know what or why I was thinking what I was. Time went on and we had 3 kids, a girl, then twins- a boy and a girl. I don't remember their names. But I'm sure they were entirely embarrassing. I want to say I named one Celine. YES because of the stupid Titanic song! UGH. 1997 was a terrible year to be planning my future. We had 4 cars, one was a New Beetle, because it truly was new back then, I think one was a Passport, and I forget the others. We had lots of homes, on each coast, you know, since he's from Boston. And that was basically it. At least what I can remember.

For the project we had to make a scrapbook, so I spent HOURS going thru so many catalogs and magazines to find the best pictures, and the same model who was supposed to be me at 25. It was a hefty project, but it was fun.

That is, until I actually turned 25. Turns out I don't have a Masters. I didn't go to BU. I'm not an award winning actress. Matt Damon didn't Borne my Identity. (pretend that makes sense). I don't have kids, but honestly, I'm not stressing over that! No multi coast homes, no New Beetle.

So much of my 25 years of life imagined in my head stayed up there. But that's ok. I think despite that, I've had a much better trip to 25 in the real world than I did in the scrapbook world. The one thing that made me feel really old when I turned 25 was watching Beauty and The Beast. My all time favorite Disney movie, it was re-released, just in time for my birthday, and I of course got it. In the beginning, the narration explains that The Beast has until his 21st birthday to break the curse. TWENTY FIRST!!!!! Beast is not all young!!! Beast was older and handsome! Not some 20 year old kid! Oh well, I guess when I was 6, 21 was old.

And now it seems so young.

Growing up is hard.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thank You All

Hi Gang,

It's been ages, I know. I've failed at being a good blogger who updates her stuff on any sort of consistent basis. You should see the drafts section of the blog, it's FULL of posts about nails, kittens, cars, life, etc. I just have been too all over the place in the non cyber world to put down all of my thoughts cohesively to present them to you. Right now it's like:

I like pretty colors. Did you know you can put pretty colors on your fingernails with special fingernail paints? I have 100 colors of pretty for nails. NAILS PRETTY!


New kittens are playful! WHO KNEW!?!

Yeah, it's pretty much like a caveman drawing. Which would actually be this:

I'm not even going to attempt to draw kittens. The hand was hard enough. I digress...

I promise new content coming soon, I'm a terrible procrastinator, which bodes well for you all because it's midterms time, so what better to do than update my blog when I should be studying for health! Yup, that's happening right the moment! YAY!

But the real reason I wanted to put up a new post is to say THANK YOU to you guys. I've had several people tell me that they really liked my writing and how much my posts about Zamo moved them. You can't possibly begin to understand how much that means to me. I don't have a college degree (I'm working on it tho!) and I've always felt like something of a failure for having to drop out and work full time to support myself. I've always loved writing and it's been something I've considered myself good at. So to have people like you guys tell me that I AM good at it, well it fuels my fire to finish that degree and do something with it. My heart swells with pride and joy from your lovely comments here or on Twitter and I honestly don't know how to say thank you enough for the love.

But as a start, here's my promise that I will do everything in my power to at least post something once a week! This one doesn't count, so hopefully I'll have something to put up for you all soon! Besides, I do have a film midterm tomorrow, I'm sure I can get a lot of procrastinating done then!

I love you all, thank you for reading my words.
