His name is Zamo and he is a cat. It may be hard to tell since he's wearing his Avatar 3D glasses, but he's really a cat. I'm not one of those crazies that thinks my cat is my kid, but I am in my late early 20's and so he's the closest I want to come to a kid for a while. So for that fact, he's my son.
He wandered into my life 2 years ago on a day when I was having a semi-mental breakdown and he was just like this little angel that came out of the bushes and into my heart. I had no choice but to start feeding him and then I decided that he was a sweet little thing, so I would keep him. A vet check later, he was MINE.

That was in June of '08 and I never left home for more than a workday for quite sometime after that and Zamo was an angel. Then October came and it was my birthday. So I decided to go back home and visit my mom and friends back at home for the weekend. I left Boyfriend in charge of Zamo and felt insanely guilty for leaving my little kitty alone, but not really alone, but without me.
The weekend away was going well so far, but I was still missing the little dude, so I called Boyfriend to see how things were going. He assured me things were going well. So I continued on my weekend. Later that night I got a text that said "Zamo misses you." I said AWWH CUTE! And then I got a picture message back with a picture of what appeared to be my room, except it was covered in toilet paper, like some kids had TP'd my room. Confused, I texted Boyfriend WTF? and he said that Zamo had done that. It was still semi cute, even tho a brand new roll of toilet paper, which is something of a commodity for poor person like I was, and now it was strewn about my room.
Since then, whenever Zamo feels like he's not getting enough attention, he attacks toilet paper. If Boyfriend and I don't get up right away in the morning, the first thing I hear is the sound of ripping fabric. Now that Boyfriend is in Washington DC, Zamo apparently feels neglected. Even tho he is MINE, he prefers Boyfriend sometimes. Boyfriend doesn't have to go to work until noon, so he and Zamo snuggle in bed and laze about all morning and they enjoy it. So tonight when I was getting ready for bed, I noticed that my bathroom now looked like this:

COMPLETELY destroyed. Here's a video of how he does this...
He wandered into my life 2 years ago on a day when I was having a semi-mental breakdown and he was just like this little angel that came out of the bushes and into my heart. I had no choice but to start feeding him and then I decided that he was a sweet little thing, so I would keep him. A vet check later, he was MINE.

That was in June of '08 and I never left home for more than a workday for quite sometime after that and Zamo was an angel. Then October came and it was my birthday. So I decided to go back home and visit my mom and friends back at home for the weekend. I left Boyfriend in charge of Zamo and felt insanely guilty for leaving my little kitty alone, but not really alone, but without me.
The weekend away was going well so far, but I was still missing the little dude, so I called Boyfriend to see how things were going. He assured me things were going well. So I continued on my weekend. Later that night I got a text that said "Zamo misses you." I said AWWH CUTE! And then I got a picture message back with a picture of what appeared to be my room, except it was covered in toilet paper, like some kids had TP'd my room. Confused, I texted Boyfriend WTF? and he said that Zamo had done that. It was still semi cute, even tho a brand new roll of toilet paper, which is something of a commodity for poor person like I was, and now it was strewn about my room.
Since then, whenever Zamo feels like he's not getting enough attention, he attacks toilet paper. If Boyfriend and I don't get up right away in the morning, the first thing I hear is the sound of ripping fabric. Now that Boyfriend is in Washington DC, Zamo apparently feels neglected. Even tho he is MINE, he prefers Boyfriend sometimes. Boyfriend doesn't have to go to work until noon, so he and Zamo snuggle in bed and laze about all morning and they enjoy it. So tonight when I was getting ready for bed, I noticed that my bathroom now looked like this:

COMPLETELY destroyed. Here's a video of how he does this...
Please note that although it looks like he's waiting for a command, I am nowhere near intelligent enough to teach my cat tricks, let alone to perform them on command. This was just really great timing with the BlackBerry camera in my old place's bathroom.
So instead of going to bed when I was planning on going to bed, I've stayed up an extra hour watching Burn After Reading and trying to gather my thoughts on how to present the Z-man to you. But he loves to stay up and watch TV too:

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