Mmmmm Special Kitty. This is the only thing he will come and steal from you if you are eating it. Everything else he ignores for the most part, but Special K he goes bananas for. We've also been enjoying the giantness of the bed, as I've migrated to the middle and he now snuggles up on either side of me right next to my face, not just my feet like normal. So while we miss Boyfriend, we're enjoying the small freedoms.
Speaking of Boyfriend, he sent me some pictures of his trip around the city today, which of course I feel obligated to share with you. I don't know what he was doing while at these places, just that he was here. So they are presented without comment:

The train station for the trip into DC. I'm pretty sure Richard Petty photobombed this one. (far left)

The Washington Monument. Those clouds look super ominous. Like Independence Day clouds or something. Pretty sure aliens are looking to attack...

But just when the aliens were gonna attack, Lincoln showed up and was like NOT ON MY WATCH and just sat down and they backed off. His awesomeness is resounding. Also, I'm apparently incapable at presenting things without comment, since I made up a damn story about aliens and Lincoln. I'm sorry for lying.
Then a little later I think Boyfriend went to a museum, which I think because as you will see in the picture, he's standing by what can only be a giant dinosaur egg with a DO NOT TOUCH sign in front of it. Those mostly only live in museums. Anyway, he went to a probably museum and bought me a PRESENT! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do love presents! I do not love riddles tho. And of course, he had to present the present with a riddle. I tried guessing but I was wrong.
Here is the present:

And here is what he sent along with it:
"What is in this box is said to protect you."
Here is what I guessed:
Here is what I guessed immediately after I sent the first guess:
"Ancient Egyptian condoms?"
Here is what he said back:
"No, it is an Egyptian said to protect YOU so I got it for you."
So now I have no idea what it is. I bet it's probably a tiny ancient Egyptian who is like one of those Grow-A-Dino sponges but is really a real mummy and so when I grow him he will become a real BIG mummy and he'll totally have my back. Jealous?
I really hope it's a Grow-A-Mummy. Best present ever.
My guess is this for the present ... http://goo.gl/5QIF (That's either the Eye of Horus or the Eye of Ra.) Good thing he didn't get you any of that Indiana Jones Kah-lee evilness.