First- Boyfriend left to the East Coast this morning. He needs a break from the crazy go-go-go life of California. He went to visit his mom in our fair nation's capital, so he's going to get a full dose of history for the next week. I'm excited for and jealous of him. But I'm also sad because I don't get to see him for a week. Don't get me wrong, it will be nice not to have to clean up every inch of the house he touches for a week, (because Boyfriend is not a cleaner), but it will be sad to sleep in the big bed alone. Here is a dramatic representation of my dire bedroom loneliness.

Actually that might be the moment I realized I could stretch out like I was being drawn and quartered (thanks Tudors for teaching me that) and have the WHOLE bed all to myself. Then I fell asleep again because waking up at 6:45 AM to go to the airport blows. *Awkwardly good timing- Boyfriend just BBM'd me to tell me he's on the ground. I'm assuming that means he's landed and is not in the midst of a brawl.*
Second- LOST ends tonight. This is good and bad because for one, I will FINALLY know all the answers! Bad because LOST will be over :( I love LOST. I didn't start watching it when it first came on, but I got caught up quickly. My sophomore year of college, my roommate was a huge LOST fan and was watching the second season premiere while I was getting ready to go to Pref. I was listening and it sounded interesting, plus the rest of the world was talking about how awesome it was, so I decided to see what the fuss was about.
The next day at work I went to and read the entire synopsis of the first episode. (Yes, I'm extremely productive at work) Just reading about the episode made me excited to watch it, so I went to Target that night and bought the first season on DVD. I was excited to watch it, but seeing as how I was in college, it was Thursday night and that meant it was time to go out. The next morning I woke up with a fat lip, which I learned I got when I was leaning out a window shouting at people and my arms buckled, sending my face plummeting into the window sill. Thank God for tequila because otherwise I'm sure I would have felt it. Looking like I had lost a fight, badly, I took a picture of my face and sent it to my coworker/supervisor at the office, who told me to stay home from work that day. Since I also didn't have class that day, I suddenly had a full day of watching LOST with a bag of frozen peas and carrots on my face ahead of me!
I don't think I moved much from the couch, as uncomfortable as it was, for 24 hours, since there were 24 episodes in the first season. I was HOOKED. Ever since then, I've watched every episode, even the crappy ones in the 3rd season, so I'm very much looking forward to finding out how it all ends later tonight. I do still love LOST, but I am finding myself much more involved with True Blood these days. Which is all for the best I suppose, seeing as how LOST is ending and True Blood is relatively new. That's me as Mary Ann Forrester for Halloween in the profile picture hee hee!
So, with Boyfriend gone and LOST ending, it's definitely a saddish day in the LOK. Melodramatically sad that is. We'll go over LOST later and we'll see how my intended clean up around the house goes with no progress impediment from Boyfriend ;)
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